For runners, it’s not just about looking gorgeous or trendy. Athletes face hair-related issues borne of the sport they love, especially the grime and build-up “collected” on the scalp after sweaty gym sessions and long trail runs.
Thinning hair is especially problematic. What’s a runner to do?
It’s advisable to seek professional help from certified trichologists to examine, identify, and diagnose the root of your hair concerns.
Head over heels?
Sure you focus on your feet if you’re a runner because everything from athletic shoe fit to skin conditions arising from ill-fitting shoes, bacteria and injuries can make your running life a nightmare. What most confounds you about your hair and scalp?
Let’s start at the root (literally). Grease, sweat and humidity gang up on follicles and clog them, leading to the production of extra sebum courtesy of the sebaceous glands. You wind up with itchy, sour-smelling scalp that can lead to hair loss.
What’s the solution?
Leading trichological centre, TK TrichoKare, shares with us that their certified trichologists use an evidence-based approach to help their clients in the analysis and treatments across all their five outlets.
It’s more than a salon. More than a spa. Even runners who have run out of solutions for serious issues like thinning hair find miracles thanks to customised European herbal hair remedies validated by certified Trichologists.
In particular, the TrichoKare Hair Fall Prevention System reconstructs the scalp, promoting new hair growth, which is why Singaporeans of all ages are turning to this revolutionary system in droves!

Meet Jane Ang, the TK Resident Trichologist
She knows more about the hair problems Singapore runners face than most, because they come to her feeling desperate and seeking remedies for their hair loss and poor scalp conditions. Jane is both a hair and scalp expert. She understands that sweating isn’t necessarily the culprit when it comes to matters of the head; it’s a combination of too much sweat and sebum secretion that conspires to cause runners symptoms and issues that lead to thinning hair.
According to Jane, even innocent actions can trigger hair loss in runners. She asks clients this question: “Do you constantly pull your hair into a tight ponytail, braid or bun?” Once she sees panic in their eyes, she explains, “You could be damaging your hair follicles by using these innocent-looking hair fashion accessories.”
But don’t feel guilty and you needn’t throw all of your bands and fasteners out. Rejuvenate your beautiful, strong hair by visiting a Trichologist to get to the root of your hair problems!

Trichologist, Jane to the rescue
As a professional and certified Trichologist, Jane recommends TrichoKare treatments to alleviate worst case scenarios using a cutting edge scientific discipline called “Trichology.” Jane has pursued this study and practice assiduously so she can help others, and in some surprising ways. “I use a holistic approach to treating client hair problems,” she confides.
Runners, in particular, will find her approach to be symbiotic with their philosophies because the practice of Trichology involves examining one’s lifestyle, diet and well-being. A thorough analysis of hair and scalp symptoms and problems leads to sensible answers to questions like, “Why is my hair thinning, breaking, shedding, dry or itchy?”
For Jane, it’s not simply a matter of ‘try this product or method,’ but “How are you living your life that has triggered your unique hair loss issue?” Clients are surprised to find that after receiving customised TrichoKare treatments, their scalp recovers so fast, they can even skip washing it on occasion and it won’t impact their hair’s recovery.
Review you can count on
After trying myriad hair solutions to deal with over-coloured, damaged and over-treated hair, celebrity Xiaxue sought TrichoKare to get her hair problems solved. Now, she calls TrichoKare “personalised hair miracle treatment.”
What convinced her to give TrichoKare a chance? She learned that the brand won coveted 2016 awards that include the Her World Spa Award for Best Damaged Hair Treatment, Elle Beauty’s Best Anti-Hair Loss Treatment honours, Harper’s Bazaar’s Best Sebum-Regulating Treatment for Oily Scalps and The Singapore Women’s Weekly Hair Award in the category of Best Anti-Ageing Hair Treatment.
Ask Xiaxue to describe the transformation she experienced once her hair was beautifully restored, and be prepared to allow lots of time for her enthusiastic reviews.

TrichoKare isn’t just for celebrities
Terrance is a dynamic, busy, 32-year-old runner. When his hair began to fall out, it started to worry him and even cut back on his workouts and runs because he feared these activities and constant shampooing were behind his hair loss.
After he heard about Singapore’s TrichoKare facility and all-natural remedies for hair restoration, he was sceptical at first but willing to go for a free consultation and try.
“I didn’t need to be an expert to know which side was the healthier side,” Terrance enthused after comparing the treated side of his scalp with the untreated one after just one session.
“My scalp felt and looked cleaner; free from the pasty build-up I’d grown used to. Now, I can see my roots and My follicles look healthier and less brittle, especially compared to the scan taken on the day I first came to the TrichoKare orchardgateway outlet.”
Even Singapore’s humidity doesn’t faze Terrance!
“My hair no longer lands in the sink,” he laughs. “I recommend TrichoKare to every man and woman concerned about hair loss, especially runners” he enthuses.
“Hair loss prevention and care need investment and since I had such a great experience with my first treatment, I decided to continue the follow up to ensure optimal results,” said Terrance.


What’s your hair problem issue? What would stop you from trying TrichoKare?
Seeing is believing, doing is knowing!
Find out for yourself how amazing this hair system can be by visiting TrichoKare. You can sign up for a limited time Award-winning Hair Treatment $29 + Hair Care Kit (total worth $230) below.
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