You’ve got less than a week to get the early bird rate if you expect to be part of the One-north Run 2016, so we hope you don’t mind if we start off our article by reminding you of that fact.
Why does getting the discount rate matter? Because every bit of cash helps these days and if you’re planning to make it a family affair, the savings can be impressive.
On the other hand, if you wait until after 31st October to get on board this popular Singapore race roster, you’ll have the good fortune of knowing that a portion of your registration ticket is going to go a long way toward sustaining the charitable interests of both the Singapore Children’s Society and the Community Chest, so either way, being part of the second annual One-north Run is sure to make you feel good about yourself in many ways.

What’s One-north?
We looked around to see if there’s a One-south in Singapore, but obviously this park, spanning 16ha, was so perfectly designed, it didn’t require a second, polar opposite location! Situated across from the Ministry of Education on North Buona Vista Road, this park is unique in that it’s subdivided into 13 parcels, each part of a grand plan to apportion the land so it serves multiple purposes in a work-live-play-learn environment.
One-north remains a unique work in progress, but when it’s finally complete, it will become an important green link in a continuous chain of areas that connect the Biopolis, Fusionopolis and Mediapolis neighbourhoods plus a convenient MRT station. This huge park complex remains lit from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. so even running night owls will have a place to come after sundown.
But, since this year’s One-north Run takes place on what organisers hope will be a perfectly beautiful day, this information is just to fill you in on this beautiful complex that attracts people in need of a tranquil environment in which to think, stroll or run.

What will you see if you participate?
Of course your intention to run a race is the main reason you’ll be showing up on 27th November 2016 to take part in the distance category of your choice, but if you get to the staging area early — or stay late for that matter — check out the stunning trees, shrubs and flowering plants that are showcased around Biopolis, the community known for its work-play-live philosophy.
The area has been planted with the four seasons in mind so you won’t be able to ignore fall and winter colours that surround you. Take in the wall where the sound of rushing water is sure to soothe the nerves — even if those nerves are tied to the race you’re about to run.

Lace up your shoes for action
Participate in any of the three distance categories whether it’s your first or second time running the One-north: 5km individual, 10km individual or get in on the 800m Family Dash. Arrive early enough to stretch out nicely before the 10km event flags off at 6:30 a.m.
If you’re more interested in the 5km, you’ve got an extra hour to sleep since that doesn’t begin until 7:30 a.m. And just in case you tend to wander around in a still-sleepless state in the early morning hours, all of the races start at Mediapolis within the One-north park.
But perhaps you’re up for a family affair. You couldn’t find a better venue for your clan: whether it’s just your spouse and kids or you intend to make it a family reunion by including extended family.
The 800m family dash gives parties of all sizes the chance to share an athletic experience that not only brings loved ones closer together but sends a message about the importance of fitness to everyone in the family.

Where to gather to celebrate togetherness?
At the One-north Park Fun Carnival stated at Mediapolis where non-stop fun adds an element of carefree pleasure to the day — which is exactly what a gorgeous park on a grand scale should promote.
We may be adults, but frankly, even adults are going to stop to watch kids undertake the Hippo Game and yell with joy on the bouncer slider. The colourful t-shirts everyone receives matches just about everything in your drawer. Don’t be surprised if your little runner insists on having his photo snapped on the Human Fly Wall!
If you make One-north your play and fitness destination on 27th November, do bring a picnic lunch and a camera so you have plenty of photos to commemorate this full day of togetherness.

There is more to see and do at the One-north run. Sign up for the run and enjoy the itinerary that they have put together for you.
That refreshing water wall alone is worth a look-see, but please, resist the urge to channel your inner child by jumping into the pool below. That’s no way to set an example for your children (or anyone else’s for that matter!).
How often do you take the opportunity to learn more about Singapore’s park system by picking a new running event that introduces you to an area you’ve never before visited?
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