Do you believe that the elements around you can come within you and can be used to analyse a person’s personality and future fate?
We certainly think so when we come across the five elements theory.
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5 Elements of The Runners Online Race Series
The five elements theory was used for describing interactions and relationships between phenomena. This order of presentation is known as the “mutual generation” sequence and are believed to be the fundamental elements of everything in the universe between which interactions occur.
In the order of “mutual overcoming”, they are Fire -> Earth -> Metal -> Water -> Wood.
Inspired by the five elements theory, the world’s first ever Elements of The Runners Online Race Series was born. Each element has been delicately designed to bring each element to life and to apply it in our running world.
Now, you can listen to your destiny and get the chance to acquire all the five elements when you complete the online race series. But before you begin the race, let’s get to know more about each element.
The Fire Element (Fire Phoenix)
Introducing the first element of the Elements of The Runners Online Race Series-Fire. The fire phoenix is a long-lived bird that cyclically regenerates in Greek Mythology, just as man’s burning passion for running.

The phoenix also symbolises renewal as it associated with the Sun, a new chapter in life and in time. With a flame within their core, are you able to keep going and be determined to complete the race and push the limits? If you think the fire in you want to push your limits, join the race and begin your journey by 1 Dec – 14 Dec 2019.
The Earth Element (Earth Bear)
The second element of the Elements of The Runners Online Race Series-Earth. The earth bear explores the outside world, run around the environment around us yet stay close to Mother Nature. You can count on their steadiness to maintain your pace both mentally/physically.

Therefore, it will help you be consistent with a healthy lifestyle. It also symbolises vitality, courage, and health. Similar to the qualities that a runner possesses when they join a run, are you able to maintain a healthy lifestyle? The participation period is 5 Dec – 28 Dec 2019, so let’s start your journey in a healthy way.
The Metal Element (Metal Lion)
Now, the third element of the Elements of The Runners Online Race Series—Metal. Do you hear the roar of the lion? The metal lion is a great warrior conquered by steel and possesses steel strength by having will power to conquer any challenges ahead.

Commonly known as the king of the jungle, the lion is at the top of the food chain with his claws and teeth tearing and cutting like a blade made of fine steel.
Are you ready to become the one of the most feared warriors, and a powerful and respected runner? Be on your way to a fearless runner by participating in this race from 29 Dec 2019 – 11 Jan 2020.
The Water Element (Water Whale)
Next up, the fourth element of the Elements of The Runners Online Race Series—Water. The water whale delights all of our senses and brings healing energies to mind, body and spirit. Do you know the whale is explored to the limitless possibilities and breaking boundaries in life?

It is such a blessed symbol of the sea, and a spirit animal that takes us on a mystical journey to the lands of Atlantis, where we connect with the true essence of who we are & our limitless possibilities.
Are you ready to run limitlessly and break boundaries/limits? Let’s break through your boundaries by participating in this race by 12 Jan – 25 Jan 2020.
The Wood Element (Wood Tiger)
The final element of the Elements of The Runners Online Race Series—Wood. The wood tiger is one that seeks ways to grow and expand. Wood heralds the beginning of life, springtime and buds, sensuality and fecundity.

Wood is associated with positive feelings of optimism, patience, and altruism/selflessness, which are the most important qualities of a runner. It shows that as a runner, its progress you to be energetic and dare to try and succeed in your future.
So, are you able to apply your speed and intelligence to complete this final online race series? The participation period is 26 Jan – 8 Feb 2020, so be energetic and dare to hit the road to conquer your future.
Complete and Earn All The 5 Elements!
Right now, you must be thinking what kind of prizes you will be receiving? Of course, you will be receiving the magnificent finisher medal and T-shirt.
Not only just that, you are able to connect all the medals into a collection set, plus you’ll get a special spinning distance coin when you sign up for all of the classic or premium category.

What are you waiting for everyone? Get ready and hit the road at anywhere you want! Sign up at Spacebib.