Singapore Community Games (SCG) will be held across the island from 11 March until 13 May 2018. The nation-wide competition kicks off with Minister Gan Kim Yong witnessing the first rounds of the Bowling, Table Tennis and Badminton tournaments at Keat Hong CC.
SCG 2018 features seven different sports: Basketball, Table Tennis, Bowling, Sepak Takraw, Badminton and Football, as well as the all-new Community Ultra Ekiden. This year’s Games has attracted 30% more participation from Community Sports Clubs (CSCs) and corporations as compared to 2017 and is expected to attract more than 8,000 participants and will involve over 80 constituencies.
Singapore Community Games was introduced with the aim to bring sports to the heart of the community and connect residents of different ages and races. This year, SCG 2018 further improves the social mixing by expanding its outreach to corporations and Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWOs). Two of the seven sports at the Games: Bowling and Football, will be opened to corporate teams and the VWOs.
For the first time ever, the corporate community can also raise funds for the less privileged through their participation in the Games. To date, 17 corporate sponsors have stepped forward, for example, StarHub and Pokka have pledged $20,000 each to organisations Boy’s Town and Care Corner respectively.

“The Singapore Community Games is a great way for the community to bond through sports. It also gives our residents a reason to reach out to their neighbours of diverse backgrounds to deepen friendships and incorporate fitness into their lifestyles. This year, our badminton team includes a Team Singapore para-shuttler, Kevin Pung, who will be participating in the Games for the first time with his able-bodied neighbours, as well as families from different generations forming a team for bowling,”
said Joseph Tan, Chairman of Punggol North Community Sports Club.
Organised by the People’s Association, Singapore Community Games aims to foster stronger community bonding among residents across different estates and of all ages and races.