In 2016 and 2017, Tokyo Marathon Charity Runner applications have reached the maximum capacity of 3,000. The annual donations received by the foundation have been exceeding 300 million JPY consistently since 2015. Tokyo Marathon announced that the charity entry places will increase to 4,000 next year.
Out of the 4,000 charity entry places, 100 places will be reserved for the recipient programs. This trial charity program called Active Charity aims to further enhance contribution of Tokyo Marathon to the society. Active Charity runners have to promote and raise funds on their own.
The tentative date for Tokyo Marathon 2018 is 25 February 2018. The race information and details will be approved by end of June.
Registration for Charity Runners
To participate in Tokyo Marathon as a charity runner, you need to raise 100,000 yen or more. The application for Charity entry places will take place from 1 July 2017 to 31 July 2017, while the application for Active Charity is open from 1 July 2017 until 31 August 2017.
If you wish to donate any amount, you can submit an application for donations, which will remain open until 31 March 2018.

Tokyo Marathon Charity Program Recipients
Some recipients of Tokyo Marathon 2018 Charity Program are as follows.
Tokyo Marathon Foundation Sports Legacy Program: a program that provides educational training for top young athletes, promotes sports for disabled, provides sports-related assistance to areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and develops sports facilities.
Katariba: a program that provides children from low-income families with places to stay and study, and empowers them to envision a bright future for themselves.
Japan Association for UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees): a program which focuses on saving the lives of refugees forced to leave their homes due to conflicts.
Special Olympics Nippon Foundation: a program that provides and promotes sports activities for intellectually disabled people.
Ronald McDonald House Charities Japan: a program that manages Ronald McDonald House residential facilities for children with intractable diseases and their families.
Japanese Para-Sports Association: a program which aims to bring about a bright future for Japan with Para-Sports.

Recovery Support for the Great East Japan Earthquake: a program that supports relief and recovery projects in three prefectures affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake by funding organisations such as IWATE Learning Hope Fund, the Great East Japan Earthquake Miyagi Children’s Fund, the Great East Japan Earthquake Fukushima Children’s Fund.
Will you be joining as a charity runner or will you go the usual route and hope for a chance to be selected through the lottery?