Singapore Kindness Run is an initiative by Runners’ Heart-Reach and organised in collaboration with the Singapore Kindness Movement with the aim to build a kinder running community.
The event commenced with the opening remarks of the Guest-of-Honour (GOH), Parliamentary Secretary of Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth and MP for Tampines GRC, Mr Baey Yam Keng.

Thereafter, the runners recited the kindness pledge and started the race. Throughout the race, runners practised good running etiquette and graciousness.
Booths and activities at the race village were specially designed to facilitate quality family bonding as well as educational opportunities to cultivate kindness from the early age.

Many participants braved the heat to be a part of a human daisy formation while others were seen at Singa’s Runfie Zone snapping selfies with the well-loved Kindness Lion.
Elite Kindness Ambassadors like ‘Mr Singapore Blade Runner’ Md Shariff Abdullah Peters and Singapore’s only Ironman Triathlete, Choo Ling Er were also present to provide encouragement and run alongside the participants.

Tilija Suresh and Jasmine Goh emerged first for their respective 10km Mens’ and Womens’ Open.