40 year-old Master Of The Streets ambassador, Lee Teck Wai started running back in 2011. His reason is for health just like any other runner.
Working as a technician, he wants to manage a balance lifestyle. So, Lee started to join fun races and running competition.
Gradually, during his running journey he made a lot of good friends and that encouraged him to run even further. Now, Lee is a team leader of his running group which he leads the runs around at Desa Park and Sri Hartamas.
As an experienced runner, Lee wanted to share his reason why he runs in his daily life to motivate others to start running as well.
RS: Master Of The Streets is an online race that challenges runners to conquer the place that they run in. So can you share with us your favourite place to run?
Lee: I will go to Sri Hartamas during the weekend, because there are not many cars in the morning. Therefore, I can go for a long run with my group of friends. Normally, I will go for a night run on weekdays at Desa Park City, because it is quite safe to run there.
RS: What drives you to include running in your daily life?
Lee:First and foremost, I run for health. Secondly, it is always fun to run with a group of friends as it promotes teamwork and encouragement.
RS: What is your main purpose to run daily?
Lee: Previously, I run for health and still is. But now, it is more of a team spirit running. As a group leader, if I am absent or unable to make it for my runs. I would feel there is a lack of team spirit. It will feel like there is no guidance and encouragement for the team to continue running. So, I would try my best to support my team at all times.
RS: What do you enjoy the most throughout your running journey?
Lee: I would say everyone run for their running results and achieve their running goals. This would make me happy. As long as, they did not hurt themselves during their run.

As a team leader, I would carry out my encouragement to my team member at all times.
RS: How do you motivate yourself when you encounter a challenging race?
Lee: During my race, I would think of my team and try not get injured as a runner. My teammates do give lots of encouragement throughout my running journey, it motivates me to do my best.
RS: What is the one thing you would want to improve in your running journey?
Lee: Mental. I would want to strengthen my mental as I am afraid of getting into an injury as a runner. So, if I do, I want to tell myself to not give up, rest up and try again next time.
RS: Is there a most disappointing race in your running journey?
Lee: These few years, I am quite disappointed in my Standard Chartered Marathon races. I get stressed out or nervous easily. So, currently I am trying to run more often than usual, to train myself and get more running experiences to overcome my issues.
RS: What does running means to you?
Lee: To me, running is part of my life and I hope that my teammates will be proud of me no matter what happens.
After reading this inspiring piece, let’s join his running group shall we?
[su_button url=”http://www.masterofthestreets.com/?utm_source=runsociety&utm_medium=article&utm_campaign=lee_button” target=”blank” style=”3d” background=”#E71E36″ color=”#ffffff” size=”12″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”5″ desc=”Sign Up To Be A Master”]Master Of The Streets 2020[/su_button] [su_note note_color=”#000000″ text_color=”#FFFFFF”]Master Of The Streets is an online race presented by Spacebib. You can sign up for the race to undertake your journey of mastering your health and life with running.[/su_note]